Leasing Accounts And Property
Management System

Online property and leasing management. Anytime, anywhere.
Detailed view of your properties for lease or for rent. Manage rentals statement of account, misc, cusa and other charges. Track and monitor payments easily.
Frequently Asked Questions

PLACES stands for Prople Leasing Accounts Collections Electronic System. It was developed in house. This enterprise-level application is being maintained by Prople for over a decade. This automates accounts collections for unit rentals for properties.

You can call us for pricing since it varies on employee headcount to process. We have very flexible pricing and we can customize the solution for your specific need.

All of our 6 enterprise-level proprietary applications are being subjected annually to vendor risk assessment and vulnerability assessment and penetration testing. The results of these tests are being shared prior to engagement to give you peace of mind.

No, You can only be subscribed to either our full outsource model or software as a service model. We fully owned the source code and the self-hosted model is currently not available at this time.

All our systems are web-based and modular. It requires an internet connection and a browser.
For the internet connection speed, we recommend at least 5Mbps of connection speed for better user experience and for the browser IE11 or Chrome is highly recommended.